Things & Things

This week brought the first days filled with sunshine and what everyone calls “mild” temperatures. It’s really still quite cold and three months from now 16 degrees will seem positively frosty but for now I couldn’t be more thrilled. Well, I might be more thrilled if we had 25 degrees and burning sun but I am trying to stay positive here.

It’s Friday now and to celebrate the upcoming weekend I give you my list of things & things:

– I am a fan of snacking at all hours of the day. And night. Since that isn’t necessarily healthy but very addictive I am trying to limit myself to good snacks. My number one snack is roasted and salted cashew nuts. I am aware that fists full of nuts are not exactly low calorie but it HAS to be better than bags full or crisps or bars of chocolate, surely?

– My favourite photo from last year has won an award in the “Humour” category of the 2010 WPJA quarterly contest. I am quite happy to see that I am not the only one who likes this shot.

– I have finally reached a stage where I’ll soon need to buy a new laptop. What can I say, I’ve always used Macs and therefore consider buying a new one something to look forward to. Like Christmas, but more expensive. My main workhorse will be a desktop computer at home so I’ll need something light but somewhat powerful to take with me. I can’t help touching and lifting (it really is light!) the MacBook Air whenever I see it in a shop. Can anyone out there advise me on whether it makes sense for graphic/photo/video processing? Or should I stick with a 15″ MacBook Pro for this?

– In order to get properly fit this year I’ve decided to go back to Bikram yoga after one year of abstinence. Within the first 5 minutes of my class last week I remembered why I’ve stopped going in the first place. But once I got over the 36 hour stiff-muscle-painful-period (there was lots of groaning and whimpering involved) I actually went to another class and now hope that I can stick with going back on a more regular level.

– During the last month I’ve had several reminders about what’s important in life. I am working on being more aware and enjoying what I have. Like this old photo of my dad’s ship in a bottle. I took this years ago out of boredom and only just rediscovered it.



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6 Comments. Leave new

It would seem that we have a similar penchant for snacks. My latest and current favourite are wasabi peas from Marks and Spencer. Not only are they not bright green, thus, surely, purporting health, they also do not strip the lining of one’s nose. I can highly recommend them.

We also have a similar penchant for revisiting yoga. I, too, have had a year off and this week was cursing the lapse when I was in so much pain that my weak arms couldn’t push a swing door open.


Die Möwe, die sich zu den anderen dreht, ist klasse. Als würde sie mit ihnen reden. Klasse Foto.

Ein schönes Wochenende!


Herzlich Glückwunsch zum Humor-Award! Ich beglückwünsche dann auch gleich mich zu diesem tollen Typen auf dem Foto :)

Ich habe nie Cashews da, aber wenn, sind sie ruckzuck alle. Nüsse sind gesund. Haben viele Vitamine und sind gut für’s Gehirn. Bestimmt. Und das Fett? Ach, das dunsten wir doch aus!


Congratulations on the award!


Hey Charlotte – I hope your yoga plans are being followed with more regularity than mine. I have not been back since writing this! I hereby vow to go tomorrow.

Kristin – danke schön! Die Möwe war auch immer mein Liebling.

Susanne – cool, oder? Wer hätte gedacht dass Florians stereotypischer Gesichtsausdruck weltweite Massen entzückt.
Und Fett ist total gesund!

Debra – thank you! Here I am, award-winning photographer and all.


bikram yoga? i am impressed. just the thought of it makes me sick. but i am trying to revisit “regular” (not scorching) yoga. i hereby vow to practice tonight.

also. i love the description of why your photo won the award. yay for you!


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